Your instrutions are superb. The basses Layout The accordion has an awful lot of bass buttons, but don't worry, you need only four or six of them to start with. Your knuckles should be in a vertical line – its easy to let your hand twist making the A hard to reach. This is particularly the case if you are perceived to have done something rather clever! First bar is "normal" with alternate bass note between chords (e.g. Double up at the end of the bar to quicker quavers (eight notes) - either the last beat or the last two beats (good for linking to a new phrase or to an odd numbered bar), Insert a "rolled effect" for emphasis or linking to next bar (like a fast trill but between bass note and chord instead of between different bass notes), Link to the next section with a logical run between the notes for the chords bing used. Shown above In order you have N K N K (standard 1 2 3 4 ), Note that the note runs are to show you where the runs might be incorporated but the actual notes shown are only suggestions. 4) Use the same finger twice. ask yourself what is the annoying feature and do something different. The cable is invisible from the outside and runs through the inside of the instrument. (I shouldn't tell you this!). ALTERNATING 7 th chords – ALWAYS play the 5 th (the bass above it) FIRST – then the bass for the given chord. The lowest reed in each octave is a D but that is unusual: most accordions have C or A as their lowest tone. The Mighty Accordion: eBook + Online Audio - Mel Bay Publications, Inc. : Mel Bay The Mighty Accordion is a truly unique and much-needed guide to playing the bass side of the accordion. Most piano accordions have Stradella basses – two rows of basses and 3 or 4 rows of chords. You can play the tune for a few notes, or a whole phrase or two, where suitable on the bass (in octaves) as well as the treble keyboard for an octave effect. As a beginner accordion player (but competent piano player) I’m finding the basses the hardest to master. Beware of putting increases in volume right at the end of your chords if you can manage. This is also an excellent rule to follow for a marital qua-err discussion. Is not the system stradella, how is the name of this bass system? The colour patterns on the Rizatti Bronco accordion give it a unique look. Play only on bass notes ignoring the chords, leaving the bass free to roam walking bass style and the right hand to define the chords. of which being a bit more noticeable are good for leading strongly towards the next phrase or set of four or eight bars. You can make a rhythm pattern instantly blend into the overall sound and avoid distracting from full bar or longer melody notes by reducing bellows pressure. The special arrangement of the microphone capsule in omnidirectional pattern allows a very even microphone placement. This website uses cookies to improve functionality. By using this site, you accept the use of cookies on your device. Going from low C to high C and back down, it indicates using the home C button for the very low C [C2 in scientific notation – two ledger lines below the bass clef staff], yet it also shows that same button (finger 4) for the octave higher C [C3 – the second space]. Use this Button accordion accordion pattern abstr. And sometimes even the third time is too much! Do not be afraid to add a triplet link in a rhythm where it is not standard. An email link is provided at the bottom of the page. so as not to confuse you with the chord or note C. Very basic familiar beats are explained in the next paragraph to get you used to the system, not to insult your intelligence. Thomann 70 Pro Accordion Strap XL BR. Remember that you have a choice of either reinforcing a series of notes by your bass playing or making it more subtle by leaving it to the right hand only., You can also do very effective quick chord shifts as a decorative embellishment even inside the chord name you are working on however. When you're Smiling (When you're - SMILING)For me and my girl (The bells are - RINGING)Sunny side of the street (Grab your COAT). I have been playing piano accordion for about 10 years (i'm only 21) and when I moved to Kerry 5 years ago, I had no teacher. Left Hand Fingering for Chromatic Scale on Accordion . Strap for Accordion. The accompaniment pattern of course is not played until the word Smile. If so this whole page is hear to help you play more creatively. Use dissonance and make a big sound by layering different chords onto the left hand chord from the right hand section and resolve on the next beat on to a less dissonant chord. SO THERE WAS VIRTUALLY NO OCTAVE BREAK MOST OF THE TIME. (Think Memories by Barbra Streisand not Memory from Cats). It has for example been stated that Some accordions choose their bass notes from C to B and exceptionally some, such as my Victoria put the break from A to G#. For the beginner, the firs My Scandalli Air VI has an E as the lowest note for the lowest 2 reed banks, then a bank starting on F# and the 2 highest banks start on C! It's possible to play other chords by using combinations of chords (two ore more chord buttons pressed at one time). Another way to link two phrases of a tune with the left hand is to play several notes (ie a triplet or semiquavers) on the last beat of the bar before the new phrase starts. A major scale has 7 different notes – it turns out that the other 3 notes you need are on the counterbass row: reach an A with your 5th finger, E with your 4th and B with your 3rd. Thanks Sandy! This accordion has three line of bass notes, for example in the Do note, bass – line 1 – mi b A very professional and slightly jazzy effect. It can be just as important to vary the attack or duration (from stacatto to legato) in successive bars in a bass line as in a melody line. If anyone reading this knows then please post! Hi Alan, I don’t have a DVD but maybe I should make one…. A common solution suggested is to play the bass stacatto. This is the phrasing technique used by great popular singers, such as Sinatra. In fact this type of long preceding run is most effective as a device to delay the rhythm pattern, whether in 4/4. It is just my attempt to make it easier to read by separating the different ideas visually. (G major with an E bass gives Em7). Bringing the note forward in the melody is called syncopation, but is in fact a very smooth effect sounding quite casual if you play it with aplomb. Substituting bass notes only in the left hand in bars where you might expect a more standard alternate bass chord approach or a specific rhythm. You can work out the rest. NB you can do a chromatic chord slide down like C B Bb A with just the bass notes or with chords added only on C and Bb. JUST AS SOON AS I RUN OUT OF NEW WAYS OF PLAYING ON THE BIG LIST ANYWAY BUT THESE KEEP COMING! It need not be a rest, just not a new bass attack. A very strong effect is to phrase with the melody for half a bar or a bar, good with crotchet triplets or to match a strongly swinging or heavily syncopated section of tune. Der F-Bass passt demnach zur Tonleiter mit einem b, der B-Bass passt zur Tonleiter mit zwei b und so weiter. Other (probably even less helpful) solutions are to change the key of the song, modify your accordion or get a different instrument! You can do tht in a 12 bass accordion! Do not play bass at all at the beginning of a tune in these conditions. Unfortunately a lot of accordionists are happy with one bar accompaniments that repeat even more and there is little guidance around as to how to get out of this. This makes an unobtrusive but effective lead in towards the next bar, the beginning of the next phrase. bass – chords – Dominate ( C7-but only 2 notes: the E and the Bb so you can use it as a partial Gdim too), Cladio Beltrami called it “French System” but I’ve never heard of anyone else using it, or of a variation like yours! Hi Fabricio, My third row is configured as minor 3rds (eg. One question is how do you make the second octave? In addition to its attractive appearance, this accordion has all the features that make it suitable for beginners who need an accordion model they can use from the first stages of their practice until they become professional accordion players. Thanks – yes I will try to get round to a diagram for minor scales soon! Alle Töne unterhalb des C-Basses haben in der Tonleiter ein b als Vorzeichen. So perhaps our fear that playing melodies in the bass will not work because of the dreaded octave break drop is not entirely justified! First number your fingers like a piano player : 1=Thumb (but we almost never use it!) A simple standard bass line can be enhanced by adding quaver (eighth note) one octave arpeggios under the tune in the right hand. Chromatic accordions are incredibly versatile – they can be heard in anything from European folk and German folk to pop and rock, from classical music to heavy metal. And yes, ALL CONTENT ON THIS WEBSITE IS FREE. If your bass run is too short you can add a turn (most likely at the beginning) to give you an extra note or a chromatic movement between a couple of the notes. We might as well get this over with now. Even G to G7 and back may work if you play each chord distinctly. Cheers Am I correct in thinking that I can’t play most scales using just the buttons as I’m missing a B? In practice I might have played the harmony into the right hand part with full chords under the first notes in the first four bars and added running thirds under the melody afterwards. bass – chords – Minor ( Cm ) Can I buy a DVD of the base scales, which would allow me time to learn them. Alle Töne überhalb des C-Basses haben in der Tonleiter ein Kreuz als Vorzeichen. Here’s the music: Minor scales are a little harder – bigger stretches – but don’t be put off – like all bass parts they transpose so you only need to know 1 scale and not 12! This item is in stock and can be dispatched immediately. In fact there is another way of playing that is even easier technically, except that you really have to think about what you are doing until it comes naturally. So simply stop playing when this happens. t is likely that the bass is most likely to overpower a flurry of right hand notes. For people familiar with other instruments, one confusing aspect of the bass configuration is the thought that, for example, the root bass buttons F C G D A E are an ascending sequence. They are available with a variety of tonal ranges, bass systems, piano or button keys, and more The best way to find the perfect chromatic accordion is to try them all and let it ♦ Learn various bellow techniques including the bellow shakes and vibrato. The 2-finger method makes extensive use of fingers 2 and 3 (counting the thumb as 1). ♦ Learn how to use the left arm to produce quality sound. Really interesting article – thank you. A partial solution to this is to join the bass Note with the chord and just cut the chord short, or the first of the two chords following in basic waltz time. Smooth transitions – or legato playing on the bass side can be challenging. Here’s the Music. There are also suggestions for playing some of the chords in the right hand on another page. Then you will not worry about it being heard, NOTE: Different colours and fonts are used in the ideas list below to make the individual items stand out - the ones. Product page Thomann Only Special Instrument Microphones of Thomann . Use bass note outlining to suggest "impossible" chords like augmented chords or suspended fourths (or demented 23rds). Notes underlined with a _ are on the counterbass row. However going from major or minor to diminished will always show up because of the note shifts happening inside the changes. This could be really dreary if played note for note and yet you still want to feel the slow four beats in the bar. Also here is a classic example of a “cheat”. Clearly the same button can’t produce both notes so is the home C button low or high? Augmented 4th or diminished 5th (the same distance) stop on 7. (You could also vary it, perhaps using the counterbass note instead on the 3rd beat, with the chord of C, E instead of C). Simply because I would like more general appreciation of this wonderful instrument. This gives a very good flowing effect. ALTERNATING basses – on Major chords you play the bass for the given chord – then – the next bass should be the 5 th of that chord (the bass above it. Clearly, that’s not the case, but it’s a source of confusion that was resolved for me when someone said “the bass buttons are all in the same octave.”. That is a very helpful diagram showing the major scale for the left hand – can you do a diagram version of the minor scale as I can’t quite understand the A minor scale in just the written format…? An intro to how the Stradella bass system works. If a melody starts on the first beat of the bar you are OK to start with the tune as you might expect. My name is Alex Govier, a professional musician on accordion, piano and organ for over 50 years. Standard Delivery Times. A long chord particularly if the bellows is used slower part way through it will sound lighter, and if the melody note before it started was played strongly as is likely the memory will remain of it being in charge. The 12 bass piano accordion is an excellent model for children to start with if they are interested in playing the instrument. ABCs of ACCORDION Basic Vol. Available immediately . All my youtube clips are public though so you can access them direct at Email me ideally with a copy of the section that I have not made clear for you, Request more detail on an accordion subject. Those modern auto-play keyboards mostly can only manage two different bars before they endlessly repeat (unless you take your hands away from the keyboard to press buttons on the control board). Standard Delivery Times. A comprehensive collection of progressive exercises guide the student in learning and mastering bass/chord patterns. In general and just for the root bass buttons, is the range from C2 up to B2, or from D2 up to C3, or something else? It creates a feeling of anticipation or tension if held which the matter of fact standard same bass note will not give you. Find more music stuff from the website founder on Facebook My Facebook Page, And visit my playing sites for General music and Wedding Speciality. bass – chords – Dominate ( C7 ). Sometimes this can be at the very beginning of a tune. Dig a little deeper into the depths of the bass patterns for the 120 bass accordion. 2. 2 digs a little deeper into the depths of the Bass Patterns for the 120 bass accordion. Play any standard or usual pattern for you but swop bass notes for chords and vice versa. Those are easy to find too, with only one button between. The first time you play a bass pattern is the first time so it is lovely. Or even no notes with fast in the other part can be an idea. So try not to repeat the exact way you play something more than three times in a row. Where possible (except on the first beat of the bar) leave the bass out when the melody is playing in fast notes. Add to Basket. An easy to spot example of this is where a tune starts in the course of the previous bar in quavers (eighth notes) such as The Shadow of your Smile. Watch out for further thoughts here which I have probably so far overlooked! Still I have a question about your first CMaj diagram. Or just on the last beat of the bar or the third and fourth beats. bei erfahrenen Spielern beim Akkordeon spielen beide Grundpositionen ineinander einfließen und so spielend leicht gewechselt werden. Key Design. Or making the resolution lag behind. Material: Leather. Notice that melody starts very nearly at the beginning of the bar, only half a beat late, but the principle still applies. (C, D, E, F, G ,A ,B ,C) and you will have played a Major scale. A few notes from the chromatic scale can be used instead of the impossible full chord chromatic slides (which are easy on piano or guitar) either WITH or WITHOUT the full chord being played in the right hand. On the first complete bar there are three beats and three notes, usually undesirable but play the third beat late (on the last quaver of the bar) and it lightens it because they are no longer hammering away at the same time. For 120 bass accordions. 1) Use all your fingers. So at least you know what the chord is roughly, identified by its bass note. Here is just one solution. 4. This is a great site! You do not need to adjust by waiting. Find more music stuff from the website founder on Facebook. Does it sound loud because it does not really fit in or has been played the same way in the piece so many times that it is embarrassing. Compare. Intimidated at first, it's a lot simpler once put into context. The second time you play something exactly the same it is nice because you recognise it. 12/8 time is basically a slow four beats in a bar with each beat divided into three instead of the more normal two quavers found in 4/4 etc. Irish Style Accordion in D/Eb (Paolo bass) - 23 treble + 8 bass 3-Row Button Accordions - diatonic (bisonoric, push/pull, wechseltonig, etc.) I think this is called an anacrusis, but it is not important to know the fancy name as long as you can recognise it as an incomplete bar. It is small, lightweight and usually available at a relatively affordable rate. A very musical sound is created by playing the right and left hand SEPARATELY in rhythm. This is called BASSETTI bass, and it’s rarely seen outside of France. Remember the K refers to a kord button as in German usage so it does not suggest only the chord of C. But even the basic can be played musically by varying the attack and smoothness whether staccato or smooth between the different beats. NOTE Do not start the sequence UNTIL THE TUNE HITS THE FIRST BEAT OF THE BAR! This only works if you are plugged in and I’m joking really but it does the same job as your piano pedal. A bass chord repeated rather than held through will be more obtrusive. If you deide you are allowed to repeat one of those three notes once to make a four note pattern instead of a three note one you have a lot more possibilities of course. Use left hand sustained chords on their own either without the bass note or with an initial bass note first. Some will require wide spacing, eg C to A minor and the use of the 5th finger. It is assumed that the break every octave wil spoil your tunes, but if you give the ear a choice of octaves to listen to by playing in a multi octave register. 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